What’s in the course?
Why take this course? Listen to what other mentors say…
What will you receive on completion?
Growing yourself, shaping the future
The Oak North/LSE Generate Mentrepreneurship Program builds excellence into the mentoring provided to the startup founders, social entrepreneurs and technology innovators that make up the unique Generate community.
Gaining recognition, lifelong learning
This course prepares you for your mentoring role. It encourages you to see mentoring as a wonderful means to grow yourself and, at the same time, shape the leaders, entrepreneurs and innovators of the future.
LSE Generate has led the way in using mentoring as a strategic tool in entrepreneurship, and we've learned a lot about what makes mentoring work in volatile startup environments.
Mentoring is a contact sport
Mentoring is a contact sport founded on a relationship. This Self Study Course will show you how to make that relationship work to the fullest extent. The course materials will also show how your coaching relationship fits into a broader context. Whether you are new to mentoring or an experienced old hand, we hope this Workbook gives you valuable tools and lots of inspiration along the way.