The Dare Change Lab

A self-directed program of learning bites, reflective activities, online tutorials and personal development tools, enabling you to learn in context from your everyday life. 

  • 90-day program
  • 12-15 hours of study time
  • Access to a social learning group


Dr Andrew Atter · March 1, 2023

Learning in a chaotic world 

Dare is an integrated self-directed 90-day change lab program that will enable you to design changes to you life and work, so you can move in the direction you choose. It is ideal for job changers, business founders, new team leaders, social activists and retirees. Anyone in fact, who is starting out in a new direction or stepping into unfamiliar terrain. 

The Dare Change Lab will provide clarity, insight and help you challenge the negative self talk and inhibiting beliefs that often hold us back, or cause us to prevaricate. The focus will be on start making the change steps during the 90-days itself and then being really clear about where you’re heading over the longer term. 

The Lab is a form of development centre that provides accessible, online tools that support you to design, plan and execute change in your life and work.

Move beyond fads and superficial clickbait, and evergreen your career with  insights that will make a difference in the real world

The program will be divided into 12 weekly modules, progressively drip fed week-by-week:

  1. Orientation 
  2. Your Journal
  3. Learning Needs Assessment 
  4. Designing Feedback Loops 
  5. Your Personality Profile
  6. Ego states 
  7. Motivations and drives 
  8. Learning styles
  9. Facilitation Styles 
  10. Feedback Review 
  11. Diagnostic Report 
  12. Action Planning & Impact 
  13. Completion & Certification 

The purpose is to provide you with a short, mid-term and long term development plan, identifying describing and prioritising the areas of mindset, behavioural and skillet changes that you will need in order to adapt and grow in the future. 

The Development Centre will focus throughout on six areas:

  • Leadership
  • Innovation
  • Enterprise
  • Creativity
  • Coaching
  • Ethics,

Our research these are the key drivers for lifelong career success.   

The program will be divided into seven modules. While all modules need to be completed, some of the activities and exercises within the modules are voluntary. You can also complete the exercises in any order you prefer. 

The Development Centre has been planned to be completed over 90 days, and requires approximately 12-18 hours of study and preparation time. Upon completion, all Dare2know users will have full access to all the materials for 12 months, including ongoing participation on the Development Centre Study Group. 

About Instructor

Dr Andrew Atter

Dr Atter is Managing Director of Dare2Know Ltd. Dr Atter holds Masters degrees at the London School of Economics and Ashridge Business School, and completed his doctorate at the Institute of Work-based Learning at Middlesex University. He is a former Entrepreneur-in-Residence at Birkbeck, and is now a Visiting Fellow at the Birkbeck Centre for Innovation Management Research.

6 Programs

Not Enrolled

Program Includes

  • 37 Modules
  • 3 Quizzes